League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 7–15 (January 1934)
Present Situation as regards International Engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 27–33 (January 1934)
Free City of Danzig. I. Arrangement concerning the Utilization of the Port of Danzig by Poland and Agreement relating to the Treatment of Polish Nationals and Other Persons of Polish Origin or Speech in the Territory of the Free City. (C.529.1933.I.) II. Organization of the Danzig Police. (C.651.1933.VII.) |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 92–94 (January 1934)
Russian, Armenian, Assyrian, Assyro-Chaldean and Turkish Refugees. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 137–141 (February 1934)
3386. Free City of Danzig. Constitution of the Free City. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 214–221 (February 1934)
Annex 1493. Constitution of the Free City of Danzig. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, p. 222 (February 1934)
Annex 1493a. Constitution of the Free City of Danzig. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 291–293 (March 1934)
Free City of Danzig. I. Situation at Danzig. Communication received in connection with a Speech delivered by the Vice-President of the Senate on November 21st, 1933. (C.695.1933.VII.) II. Danzig Constitution. Communication received concerning the Decree promulgated by the Danzig Senate on July 29th, 1933, regarding the Appointment of State Commissioners for Communes of the Territory. (C.11.1934.VII.) |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 464–469 (May 1934)
Free City of Danzig. Danzig Constitution Decree adopted by the Danzig Senate on January 31st, 1934, concerning the Appointment of M. Heinz Eggert as State Commissioner. (C.197.1934.VII.) |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 957–963 (August 1934)
Present Situation as regards International Engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 988–1004 (August 1934)
Free City of Danzig. I. Prolongation of the Appointment of M. Benzinger as President of the Danzig Port and Waterways Board. (C.238.1934.VII.) II. General Reports by the High Commissioner of the League of Nations at Danzig. (C.386.1933.I.) |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 1123–1125 (September 1934)
Free City of Danzig. (C.345.1934.VII) Agreement between the Governments of Poland and of the Free City of Danzig, relating to Harbour Police, with Protocol. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 1228–1229 (October 1934)
Free City of Danzig. (C.375.1934.VII) Acquisition of Danzig Nationality. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, p. 1387 (November 1934)
3450. Free City of Danzig. Provisions for Arbitration contained in a Convention relating to Social Insurance concluded between Poland and Danzig and dated July 2nd, 1934. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, p. 1421 (November 1934)
Annex 1514. Free City of Danzig. (C.372.1934.VII.) Provisions for Arbitration contained in a Convention relating to Social Insurance concluded between Poland and Danzig and dated July 2nd, 1934. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 15, pp. 1422–1423 (November 1934)
Annex 1515. Free City of Danzig. (C.370.1934.VII.) Polish-Danzig Agreements of August 6th, 1934. |