League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 5–7 (January 1930)
Present Situation as regards International Engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 469–472 (May 1930)
Free City of Danzig. (C.175.1930.I.) I. Participation of Danzig in International Treaties and Agreements. II. Fifth Report of the Trustee for the Municipality of Danzig 7% Mortgage Loan of 1925 (covering the period from March 15th, 1929, to March 15th, 1930.). |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 540–541 (June 1930)
2633. Free City of Danzig. Request for an Advisory Opinion from the Permanent Court of International Justice with regard to the Accession of Danzig to the International Labour Organisation. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 937–955 (July 1930)
Traffic in Opium and other Dangerous Drugs. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 961–964 (August 1930)
Present Situation as regards International Engagements Registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 965–966 (August 1930)
Free City of Danzig. Constitution of the Free City. Composition of the Senate. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 1081–1082 (September 1930)
Present Situation as regards International Engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 1097–1098 (September 1930)
Free City of Danzig. (C.147.M.187.1930.II.) [F.820.] Third Report by the Trustee for the Free City of Danzig 6 ½% (Tobacco Monopoly) State Loan of 1927 (covering the period from July 1st, 1929, to June 30th, 1930.) |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 1307–1308 (November 1930)
2663. Free City of Danzig. Amendments to the Constitution. Letter from the High Commissioner dated July 16th, 1930. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, p. 1308 (November 1930)
2664. Free City of Danzig. Advisory Opinion of the Permanent Court of International Justice with regard to the Admission of the Free City as a Member of the International Labour Organisation. |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 1689–1778 (December 1930)
(A.6.(a).1930.Annex) Ratification of Agreements and Conventions concluded under the Auspices of the League of Nations. (passim) |
League of Nations Official Journal, Volume 11, pp. 1794–1819 (December 1930)
Constitution of the Free City of Danzig. (English and German) |